The Greatest Story Ever Told
"There is nothing new to the world except history you do not know"
Harry S. Truman
A boy outwits his pirate captors to gain his families fortune that other wise he would never have inherited, fueling his ambition to right the wrongs of his nation. A young maiden takes up the sword to defend the honor of her home, her triumphs as well as her death galvanizing a nation to victory over their arch enemy. Three friends and allies test and ultimately break the bonds of comradery in the pursuit of each owns vision of duty, responsibility, and legacy. Each of these sound as though they could be one line synopsis of summertime blockbusters. You can imagine clicking on the trailer and hearing the epic percussion laden score and narrative voice over of the likes of Charlton Heston or Morgan Freeman; the sight of swarming extras in battle scenes, pyrotechnic effects, and Hollywood A-list celebrity soliloquies. But these events were not imaged by some screen writer sitting in Star Bucks with his ironic beard, typing on his Mac Book, waiting on his double macchiato espresso whatever; nor by a committee of greedy corporate rainmakers in the boardrooms of Universal or Warner Brothers, looking to seize as much of the quarter marketplace as they can. These events were real, this is history.
Sayville High School had (has?) a remarkable history teacher in my freshman year, Mr. Bennett. He taught that history is not the memorization of names and dates, the analyzing of statistical data and how to answer an essay question correctly. History is "His Story", the story of human civilization, and like any story is filled with great characters, thought provoking themes, and tantalizing plots. The subject of history should be approached as if you would be reading a great book or watching the big screen at the theater, suspending disbelief and putting your imagination in the thick of the action. Be there in the Angevin court as the deep friendship turns into horrid rivalry between King Henry II and St. Thomas Beckett. Don't just read that Magellan circumnavigated the globe, sail with him. Cheer for the triumph of Madame Curie in not only making her breakthroughs in science but her breakthroughs in the gender ceiling.
History is not a burden on the memory but an illumination of the soul.
Lord Acton
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History is not a burden on the memory but an illumination of the soul.
Lord Acton
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History is not a burden on the memory but an illumination of the soul.
Lord Acton
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"History is not a burden on the memory but an illumination on the soul"
Lord Acton
Plutarch, Zuo Qiuming, Prince Toneri, and Herodotus the father of written history, and many others started a great work to move us all away from the precariously inaccurate oral tradition to give us a telling of the trials and tribulations of our ancestors and fore-bearers. The ever continuing story is there to inspire our aspirations, as if to say "if they could achieve great works, why can't you"; and to forewarn us of the tragedies and consequences if you do not learn from the mistakes of the past. To make us feel pride for our heritage and mournfully respect the sacrifice of others. Do not look at history as a spreadsheet of events to file away with last years earning statements, but as a rich tapestry to draw out your imagination and ambition.
It is important for all
of us to appreciate where we come from and how that history has really
shaped us in ways that we might not understand.
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"It is important for all of us to appreciate where we come from and how that history has really shaped us in ways we might not understand"
Justice Sonia Sotomayor
I have always tried to explain historical facts and events to friends and family in a way that will give them a deeper meaning from it. To help them understand the past is just as important as the present in creating the future. That history is forever and always present in all, it surrounds us, is part of us, and no matter who you are or where you are, you are creating it and watching it being created every second of everyday. To show that under the right circumstances and context, you can draw from the rich experiences that have come before to find answers that may be eluding you. That is my hope for these writings to share in a new way my love for our shared existence to a wider audience; and to entertain with snippets and passages from the greatest story ever told.
I want to give a special thanks to my wife Sarah and my
brother-in-law Matt for encouraging me and inspiring me to start this
creative outlet for my twin passions of writing and history. And to my friends who forever tolerate my long winded detailed rants, diatribes, digressions, and obsessively detailed FB posts on historical events.
I hope this clears up my intentions and I look forward to providing great material for this endeavor. My wish is for this to be as entertaining as it is informative. As to the latter please realize that I am not a professional historian or teacher and if any of my facts are inaccurate or you feel I draw the wrong conclusions please let me know in a respectful manor in the comments of that particular post; I will try my best to address any concerns as I can. And while I am not above constructive criticism and open dialogue, I do not tolerate bullying, condescension, or verbal abuse against me or any other contributor or commentator. If there is any subject matter you have any interest in or want more detail about please let me know at, and I will do my best to research and expound upon them.
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